STREAMER | 2021 | Installationsansicht PLAY:MUSEUM im Gutspark Glashagen | pulverbeschichteter Stahl, pflanzen- und flechtengefärbte Wolle (Xanthoria Parietina, Salix Salix), Fundstücke, Findlinge
For the work Streamer Caroline Bayer worked with the locally found lichen Xanthoria Parietina. In fermentation processes lasting several weeks, this lichen reacts similarly to indigo when dyed: shades ranging from light pink to pink can be achieved on wool.
Bayer took advantage of this and then wove the dyed wool into long ribbons, which she placed almost decoratively in a fragmentary spatial situation made of steel. The implied architecture functions as a linear drawing in space. It was created in reference to the modular display system Leger und Träger developed by the architect Friedrich Kiesler in 1924. It makes it possible to present exhibits without the aid of walls and to realize exhibitions independently of the room. Bayer took up Kiesler’s design and developed a system of linear steel modules that can be repeatedly assembled to create new forms and spaces.
Text: Susan Pietzsch/Schmuck2